Dreams shattered
Well I now know where to come and get my dreams shattered…
Just rock up to the unlecture and listen to Adrian dash your dreams of employment!
Like always, I was sitting next to one of my three friends at uni (I swear it gets harder to make friends as you get older)
and she decided to ask Adrian a simple question…
“Why should we keep doing this course when there are so many amateurs out there who already create content that gets them attention with no real training or certification?”
Well f*ck, pardon my french, but that really is the only response i have to that.
I mean Adrian did give a good example why we do need to do the course (so we can provide something different that none of those amateurs can). Yet still I can’t get over the fact that unless you find your niche you may never crack into the area that you want to.
I’ve worked hospitality for god knows how long. Along with that I’ve done some photography, film and music. However, those things were rather hobbies, which i rarely got payed for. Am I in trouble? Do I have enough time to find that niche? Maybe, but it’s too early to tell.
Everyone has friends who are doing commerce or accounting or some other dry course that would put me to sleep. yet they are walking out into 70k for their first year. Now I’m not saying i’d prefer to be doing one of their courses, because I wouldn’t, i could not stomach crunching numbers for the rest of my life. It does, however, make me worry a little. What will I have to do to establish myself in my field (find a field probably, idiot). All I can really do is hit the intern scene and try to do as much of that as possible. Yeah it might not be glamourous, and yeah I already know how to carry 5 coffees to people employed higher up than me, but at least it’s a start.
Media is ever growing and it’s our job to grow with it. The only problem is that growing isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It a field where it is getting harder and harder to get a job, I must just look to future and keep trying my best to both grow and learn from those already in the field.
The thought will always resinate with me because its terrifying to think that there is a good chance I won’t get near a job unless I’m the best of the best.
Not everything is predictable as Adrian said, sometimes things come in and change everything. You never, it might be something that even helps hopeless uni students like us take on the media world.
[…] (typeof(addthis_share) == "undefined"){ addthis_share = [];}Sorry Matthew, really didn’t want to be that harsh. There are lots and lots of new jobs in media. It is a […]