Beginning to fret!
Another week, another unlecture.
Have I hit my 3 week slump? Yes, yes I have. However, I went and listened. Technically this is my first week of lecturers. So how have I really hit my slump. It’s because after I caught up on the notes from this subject I’ve become terrified of actually attending. Most of the material seems rather difficult and maybe a bit to modern for me. A terrifying thought process. Anyway, this is what I took away from this weeks lecture.
In the lecture we discussed education. This lecture actually scared me a lot due to Adrian’s views on how a lot of the people would handle the course. On one hand, Adrian was talking about how you can’t buy you education and that it is not a commodity. Whilst, on the other hand, Eliot was saying that university is in fact a transaction. One point that they both agreed on was that, if you want to get something out of the course then you need to work for it. It’s not a simple structured course with guidelines, but rather an open book. A course where you need to discover what you like and what you are good at.
This really worried me as although i see myself as a creative person, I’m not really sure what direction I’m heading in. I also believe that I often flourished in these boundaries that are no longer in place.
However, in saying that a new challenge is always something good, if only for a learning curve. As Adrian was busy telling us about how most of us will not step up to the task, I drifted away and began to think. I will probably not excel in this course, but I’m going to at least try and get as much out of it as I can.
Am I a good ‘learner’ and therefore and a good ‘worker’? No, not really. I’m not a bad worker nor am I a bad learner. There are definitely areas that I need to become better at. Hopefully the freedom of the course will give me the ability to really let go of my shackles and write and learn freely.
Well…here’s hoping.