This week we finalised our rough cut of our audio, we recorded an introduction and conclusion for out audio essay and did final ‘clean up’ recordings for the final audio essay. We rewrote some of our lines and got to recording in the studios. It was my first time down in the studios and it feels really cool and professional about it. Not ‘cool’ just because I had no other words to describe it, but ‘cool’ as in this is a profession and this is where we’re going to be spending our time when the going gets tough. Everyone in there is friendly, approachable and is there to get their work done. It is a professional environment in which I feel very comfortable being in. Anyway we finished off doing all the major recordings for our audio essay and all we have to do is edit it down and add in some B-Roll.
Then we got started on our video rough cut, which we just all basically recorded half of our points and we would leave that to expanding and re-recording properly the week after. For now we have the rough skeleton of our video essay. We hope by Monday and/or Tuesday next week we are able to have our work done so we can get down to our reflection.