Colour and Light | Reflection

I had a bunch of untouched footage meant to be for creating a video later on in the year lying around. However, I was just playing around with colour correction and found it quite relative to the process we have been learning in class. In this instance however, the process would be in the edit. More specifically what would/could I achieve with the shot I was playing around with it.

Left is raw, right is colour correction

The scene, lit by a soft light coming from the sun coming through the clouds from above due to minimal reaching shadows. However the shadows or lack there of any distinct shadows could be a bi product of the soft light within the frame. My main question is, what does light have to do in relation to colour? In this instance, the lighting generally being around normal daylight levels (5600k) would point to a more blue tone to the scene. Conversely, had this been a sunny day rather than a cloudy day, the scene would feel distinctively more red.

Keeping in mind the ‘blueness’ of the shot, I wanted to highlight that more with some colour corrections that I searched upon YouTube and other sources.

Having learned this tool, I felt it would help me understand the significance of colour of a shot in relation to the lighting within it. Therefore, understanding that it is a generally blue scene I wanted to highlight that, putting in more blue tones in the colour corrector and enhancing the blue shift within the shadows, midtones and highlights. However what was acquired did not feel quite adequate of the scene, it felt artificial. So I put in another colour correction with the bigger wheel and had to balance out the blue tones with more green, only slightly to bring up the colour, bringing more contrast to the scene however still retaining that blue hue.

I feel the scene can be akin to a crime film similar to the Jason Bourne series which depict its scenes within cities that have a similar colour to them than to the edited shot I’ve come up with. It gives the impression I feel, to a working class city, one that has a cycle where life goes on regardless of whichever character is the main focus of the shot. The blue hue also gives a feeling of cleanliness and dullness associated with these crime films. The wide shot using a shorter focal length also is to contribute to that to a deeper depth of field.

From what I’ve learned about the colour of light, it can be used to determine a scene and edited further to highlight the feeling it insinuates. Lighting not only is used to light a scene correctly, but also to establish the setting and in some cases a scene may benefit from different types of lighting as long as it is consistent.



About Matthew Duong

I might update here from time to time.
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