Assessment 2: Long Story Short – I had to Write an Essay | Reflection

Whilst analysing Long Story Short – I Had to Write an Essay I learned a few things about comedy web series relative to what we need to strive for as a studio. Each episode of Long Story Short has a similar tone or theme to its comedy that is short cuts with short sharp dialogue narration. As with Dan Williams reading the comedy has to be short and concise with a punch-line feel to it which Long Story Short did in many bursts. We also have to create our content for our audience in this way. In regards to Shriekers we have to make the humour in a similar vain. We can’t make long drawn out jokes because it wouldn’t fit with how web series convey their humour. Whilst analysing Long Story Short I found that web comedy series must have a general theme across its series no matter what it is, in this case it would be the narration and the narrator. So with each of our murders we have to have a similar punch-line humour attached to each one, however this doesn’t mean that every murder is more or less similar, just the humour would be similar.

Also we have to keep in mind the shots we are using and the speed of the cuts. Generally we will be shooting in low light with quick cuts for a horror mood, we just have to add humour to it. In retrospect to Long Story Short they generally used short or medium shots that were quickly cut with the rhythm of the narration and the background music. Also with regards to background music, it’ll play a huge part in my studio group’s web series. We also have to base characters and the premise in such a short space of time. Which Long Story Short has with the narrator and has its topics broad enough to relate to most people. Most web series that are parodies do generally base their humour off generalisations or stereotypes because it is something most people can relate to and I think it’ll be useful in Shriekers.

We also have to introduce a narrative such as in Long Story Short, though short in Long Story Short I believe in Shriekers we will have an overarching story because of our premise which we have to base from the pilot. But each episode has to have its own plot and storyline to make our audience feel invested in the story and then we would defuse the situation with humour. The describe and analyse exercise made me think of what really goes into a web series and the themes and style it generally goes with a web series. I have a better understanding of how to produce one after this exercise.


About Matthew Duong

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