A Really Amateur Production | Assessment 1 Reflection

So today we started and finished (mostly) our assessment 1, we were given a script and we each got into groups to film these scenes however we liked and edit accordingly. I was really looking forward to this opportunity, this would be the first time since high school since I’ve worked with a script and producing a video of that script (even though it was Low-Fi). As for what worked, we had a blast of a time going through the script and filming the shots, we also improvised on pretty much all of the attempted humour of our video. Getting the scenes right as amateur actors just so we can work with something in editing.

I really liked our cuts to Ash (me) saying ‘whatever’, we wanted to do a disconnected not caring type of ‘whatever’ and with our random cuts of being outside of the room and comedic ‘asian squatting’ to make it seem what Chris (Oliver) was too uninteresting to listen to. We wanted to establish the comedic side of not caring about whatever Chris was saying. As for a scene that didn’t work, there was a whatever where the sound quality isn’t too good, the one where Ash is lying down, and generally the sound quality of the video is bad in terms of production value. However we did the shoot and edit in about 2 hours on my phone (Samsung Galaxy s7), while the picture quality is decent, the sound due to the microphone used and the ambience around us is that of a low quality. If I had a chance to do this again, I would have two things I would like, that is more time to rehearse, brainstorm, set up, edit the scene and to have higher quality equipment so the production value is at a decent standard. This would be ideal but we had to work what we were given, which is what we produced. With better equipment and more time we could get an idea on what our production quality would be like for our webisodes, however I’m not fussed about the product of this low-fi project.

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B32yH54QH6CEYkF6VUJ3M2w4WE0

About Matthew Duong

I might update here from time to time.
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One Comment

  1. I like that your group approached this as a quick lo-fi exercise, which is really the intention – just jump in and see what issues come up. Good points about the cuts to absurd reactions and the comedic effect that this has. Now that you know why you need the better gear, be sure to make use of all the benefits that it will offer.

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