Sketch #12 – Hybrid ideas: Scrapbook

As we continued to think about some other ways that we could make something different, we were inspired by scrapbooks, seeing as how it is something that captures a moment or place, much like what a vlog review does. Hence, we wanted to combine the two very different elements and see how it would play out.

As seen in our sketch, the descriptions that accompanied the pictures were short and straightforward, allowing the pictures and captions to tell the story. We found it rather interesting, how it takes the concept of pictures and text and how it feels personal because it is as if we were taking a peek into somebody’s scrapbook. One of the cons to this, however, is the fact that viewers can’t fully feel or experience the ‘moment’. By that, we mean that the audience is not exposed to any ambient sound or moving visuals.

If we were the pursue this idea in Project Four, we might change things up a little. Instead of using still images, we might want to consider using short clips, but still maintaining the scrapbook idea of having text rather than diegetic sound.

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