Preparations for Monday

Seeing as how we will have to reconstruct our presentation for this Monday so that the panel would understand what we have been doing in the studio for the past seven weeks, Jia Jia and I discussed which two out of the four presented on Friday we felt would make it to Project Four.

We like both the scrapbook and Korsakow ideas, so we thought of a way that we may merge both to create a non-linear sort of structure. That way, people would be able to make conscious decisions as to what they would like to be exposed to. For example, in the context of our project, which café would they like to visit? What drink would they like to order?

We also want to further explore our scrapbook idea by using moving visuals instead of still images. Hopefully, that would make our travel video review more engaging and entertaining. Hopefully all goes well for Monday’s presentation!

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