Sketch #7 – Reviewers, Part III: The absence of human subjects

In the following sketch, we tried doing a vlog review without using human subjects in the video. We found it to be very plain and flat, as we were not able to see any body language nor facial expressions. Apart from that, we also did the sketch without any cuts or much change in video angles. If an entire vlog review were to be done this way, audiences might visually lose interest, especially if there are no cuts to different scenes.

Also as a follow up from the previous sketch, although it is the same content, it is very different in terms of the way it is presented. Showing the object or product being talked about is important, but it would definitely be much better and more convincing if there was a visual balance between the reviewer and what is being reviewed.

After all, apart from reviews being educational and informative, it should also be appealing to watch, especially considering that there might be a lot of information packed into it.

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