Sketch #5: What if video reviews only contained facts and information?

In Marques Brownlee’s video review, he often states facts and provides his personal opinions on the product that he is reviewing. By doing so, it helps the viewers to better visualise or understand the product at hand.

After watching his video review, we decided to explore how it would work if a video review only contained facts and information, without any personal opinions. How would this play out? We then decided to make a sketch that only covers a product’s facts and information. We used an iPhone 5s to illustrate our point.

We find that the sketch with facts alone is dull to watch, as there is nothing else to it. If we look at it this way, people may as well check on a product by finding it on the official website, or getting a brochure from a physical store nearby. Why would they need to watch a video review?

This is why it is important – people tend to look to video reviews before purchasing a product, because they expect that they would be given more insight to help them make a decision on whether or not they should buy a product. They would like to know an experts’ view on the product, and some comparisons made in the video review would be helpful as well. Without these elements, viewers would not be able to have a better understanding of the product.

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