Manovich’s text, The Database excited me for a few reasons. I’ve read this text before, over a year ago now, and it is great to revisit it with a fresh and changed mindset. I’ve always loved lists, though they seemed simplistic, and the idea of an arrangement of things as a sort of story itself is appealing as it adds depth to an otherwise lovely, but basic thing.
In effect, all stories are told through language (text spoken, written or otherwise), images or sound. Film is a hybrid of these, and the three mixed together create digital web pages through the organisation of singular objects. I like this idea of starting with artefacts without any kind hierarchy, each as important to the piece as the next, and organising them in a way in that gives them meaning. However, in transmedia, I also like the idea of having elements which are each given the same significance, that seem random on their own, but form a narrative as a whole. This I think is the way that I would like to go about my transmedia project, as a small database, a collection of elements which can be navigated through a digital collation, which form a story when together but are meaningless when viewed individually.