
What is media? Who makes it, and why? How can I make it?

If you are looking for the answers to these questions, you’re in the wrong place. I’ve got no idea, but you’re welcome to share in my ignorance as I muddle through them myself. I’d be glad of your company.

You see, my name is Maggie O’Shea (howdy), and I’m in my first year of a bachelor’s degree in communication, majoring in media. So I’m pretty keen on media – I love my movies and TV, read The Age every morning and get through as many books as I can – but I don’t know all that much about it. Yet. So this blog is going to be my way of chronicling and making sense of what I learn, as well as being a forum for my general ranting discussion of all things media.

So I guess if you want to follow me and my humble thoughts over the next three years, you’d better know a little about me. I was born and bred in Brunswick where I enjoy spending time with my friends, playing a bit of hockey and studying (in case my tutors are reading). In terms of media, I’m a woman of simple tastes; drama and romance makes me a bit sick and so a good sci-fi/fantasy story will get me interested, or else I’m a bit of a sucker for a good ol’ British murder mystery. I’m a pretty keen consumer of news media, both on TV and in print, and I’ll read just about any novel you can put under my nose. TV production fascinates me; working in it would be an absolute dream (hence the media degree).

Well, I guess there’s not much to do now but get on with the blog. Thanks for staying with me this far; hopefully I’ll see you around the cybersphere.


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