Aaaaaaaaand we’re back

Howdy all (she says, assuming that someone is reading this),

Image sourced from

It’s semester two and I’m back at uni. In second semester, media runs a little differently: instead of all going through to a ‘media two’ subject, we students in our second semester get to choose a ‘studio’ that we’ll be enrolled in. We’re mixed in with kids from media four as well and end up in specialised classes of about 25. I was fortunate enough to get my first preference, which is the On The Frame with Dan Binns. As the name would suggest, it’s all about looking at the importance of the cinematic frame within the wider world of media production, and I’m keen to have a look at some great films and make more of my own media.

I’m continuing on with my literature contextual study this semester with the subject Reading Space and Place. While last semester’s Textual Crossings tied in really well with media, this subject is much more literature-based, which I’m actually quite excited about as a dedicated bookworm. I’m the only media student in the class, which excites me as well because I’m just waiting for some talent from my creative-writing-major classmates to rub off on me.

Finally, my elective for this semester is Popular Cinema, part of both the popular culture and cinema studies contextual strands. I think this will tie in really nicely with my studies in On The Frame, so I’m looking forward to really getting into the nitty gritty of what makes a film a pop culture success.

Technically, I don’t actually have to blog on this site anymore. On The Frame’s weekly post will go onto a Blackboard blog, and there’s nothing from the other two subjects that needs to go on here. However, I think I’m going to keep on keeping on anyway. I’ve grown quite fond of this blog, as it’s a good way for me to pool all my learning and work in one spot. So, I’ll be aiming for three posts a week: a copy of my On The Frame weekly reflective posts to Blackboard, a copy of my in-class weekly seminar summaries from Popular Cinema, and (if there is one) the writing exercise from Reading Space and Place (often a creative piece).

Because after all, I do it for the fans. 🙂


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