Week 4- Media Integrates Theory + Practice

Adrian Miles;

  • What do we know
    What don’t we know
    How will we find this out
    Who will find this out
    Find it out

This concept of ideas becoming material items that have force, that have impact creates a whole new dynamic to our experience in this course and what we should aim to get out if it. Adrian spoke of how its not just about our access to greater technology, knowledge and resources; its about how we turn our thoughts into something great by ‘doing’- emphasis on the doing


Liam Ward;

  • What is editing?
    Deliberately breaking something to create meaning

An eye opener to something that seemed so self- explanatory…. Thankyou Liam

Similar to this weeks reading, “Scott McCloud, 1993, ‘Blood in the Gutter’, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art,” Liam introduced the magical realm of space; the space between a cut or a panel in a comic that holds all the meaning. He spoke of culture and history and how they impact our expectations, our understanding of a single shot and its meaning.  I had never considered such a simple aspect of editing to be of that importance before; it was always there but never so clear


Madison langridge, 18 years, interested in photography and film

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