Analysis blog entry- reflecting on the reflection

After writing the evidence and evaluation blog posts, I have realised that what I have not yet documented is how I felt writing the documentation, and that in a sense I was bored documenting my media use, as I felt as though I was writing the exact same or similar things every day. This therefore made me realise that I have created a routine for myself in terms of using media, as everyday I felt was just copying the previous day. Therefore what I can work on is perhaps broadening my media use or think more creatively about how I do use media on a daily basis. However as I can only reflect on what I have already documented, I can therefore form an argument stating, media has the ability to shape our daily routines, as we become addicted to it. Yet as we become addicted to it, then the media has the power to filter what we watch, depending on what we enjoy watching, as this occurs on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Therefore our lives literally can become controlled by the media. Another proposition, is the fact that me, and like so many others in this world, are consumers of media, yet I have come to notice that all I do is consume media, when I use media. There is the exception, that I do publish or distribute media when I am posting on my blog, or posting a photo of mine to Instagram. Yet I have realised that I don’t do any other kind of publishing or distributing of media, not even often online to friends anymore. I have simply grown so accustomed to watching and consuming media, and perhaps that is because there is now too much media being published in this world and online, that maybe it is just easier to consume media, and leave it at that.

Analysis Blog Entry- Evaluation

The journey of my media use documentation that I recorded over the period of a week, was a unique journey. As I have never taken the time to sit and really think hard about all the media I use on a daily basis. Although I wasn’t overwhelmed with how much media I use, which was in a way good, I was still taken back at how regulated my days have become, as I have realised that without even thinking,  everyday I fall into some social media routine that I ultimately follow without any conscious decision. Throughout my documentation I noticed that every morning, the first thing I do is scroll through my Instagram and Facebook feeds, as it if it something I must do or else. Looking back at my documentation, I am worried that what I do with my time, whilst on social media, is not practical or perhaps even pointless. Yet it is interesting to note, that the media tools I don’t use as often, such as PTV website or checking e-banking, is actually very practical, yet the tools I use to most such as twitter, Instagram and Facebook are not overly practical, in most cases. I also noticed that I am 99.9% a media consumer, as I rarely post or publish anything myself. On the rare occasion I will post a photo of my own to Instagram, yet the only major publishing I do is when I post on my blog, for Uni, and that is still only when I have to post. Therefore I can come to the conclusion that after documenting my media use over the last week, I am definitely a consumer of media and less of a publisher or distributor. This take on media is what I will focus most of my essay on.

Analysis Blog Entry- Evidence

At the beginning of the documentation process, we brainstormed all the different types of media we use on a daily basis, it was then we could pick out exactly what we personally use, and therefore helped us throughout the week with documenting and exploring. During the brainstorming class, we had a go at writing our fist blog entry for day 1, as we listed all the media we had used that day. We had to think hard about what media we use, how we use it and why we use it.  The documentation process of media use that I recorded during the period of a week, included a mix of social media apps and websites such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube Twitter, Netflix and Snapchat, as well as media such as Spotify. These types of media were what I used for entertainment. I also used media such as my mediafactory blog, e-banking, internet to check the PTV website, and The Age website.