Networked Media Essay

Networked Media Essay

Through documenting my media use over several days, I have learnt that personally in regards to authoring, publishing and distributing online media, I have become a  consumer, and a passive audience member. Perhaps this is because with the use of new online media, and Web 2.0, there is millions of content being published online constantly, which means there are infinite types of media to consume, yet the media that is being published, can become instantly lost. As Hinton and Hjorth state, “if we could see these connections plotted around the globe, the world would be illuminated like an exquisite decoration, (Hinton and Hjorth, 2013).” As Web 1.0 was just the beginning of the internet, it was “less refined (Hinton and Hjorth, 2013), and no one was talking about Web 1.0, until Web 2.0 was introduced. Different to Web 1.0, Web 2.0 controls the interaction and connection between websites and web users in an easy and efficient way. As Web 2.0 encourages the publishing and sharing of media, I have noticed that within the online world, we have perhaps shared and published too much content, leaving online users with the easiest option, to consume.  

The process I went through to collect my evidence for the documentation began with brainstorming in the workshop, as a collective, what media we use on a daily basis, and how and why we use that media. What I then documented throughout the seven days after the workshop, was media such as ‘Facebook and Instagram’, which were types of social media I discovered I used at the same time everyday, in the morning, during the day, and in the evening. I also noted I use other forms of media regularly such as Netflix; for example on day 3, I watched the movie ‘Me Before You’ on Netflix, and I watched several episodes of ‘Riverdale’ on day 2,the night before, as well as Youtube, Twitter and Snapchat. Yet of course, I noticed that as I was using these forms of media, I was not publishing, but I was constantly consuming. There was other forms of media that I used for necessary reasons, such as using the PTV website, as on day 1 I used Safari to check my train lines timetable, as well as checking the weather online, checking my bank account balance and posting on my blog.   

Throughout the documentation process, I learnt that I rarely publish or distribute any type of media. Perhaps the reasons why I have become such a heavy consumer of social and online media, is because everyday I fall into a routine, as if I am controlled by the media, as Hinton and Hjorth write “ web 2.0 threatens control and colonisation of users social lives, (Hinton and Hjorth, 2013).” I do believe this, as I feel that I am controlled by the social media world, and the world of ‘Web 2.0’. It is as if I have trained my brain or social media has trained my brain over time, to constantly be checking Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, perhaps out of fear I will be missing out otherwise.

Another reason as to why I do consume media, over publishing it, is that “Web 2.0 makes creating media less complicated, and this in turn leads to much more content being put online as the technical barriers to creation are removed, (Hinton and Hjorth, 2013).” This meaning, that nowadays anyone can produce and create media and distribute it online, as there are no more ‘technical barriers’. Most of the content I watch is made professionally, by film directors, and producers of Netflix, yet there are exceptions.  I do watch Youtubers who have made a name for themselves through their numerous subscribers. But what about the millions of other amateur media creators, who work hard to produce great content? That content becomes immediately lost, piled under millions of other content being produced seconds later. An interesting point Ethan Zuckerman makes is that “web 1.0 was invented to allow physicists to share research papers and web 2.0 was created to allow people to share pictures of cats (Hinton and Hjorth, 2013).” This relates to my idea that Web 2.0 has helped create some amazing content and has benefited connecting the world through social media, yet too much unnecessary content is clearly being produced and distributed online, that it is hiding away the necessary content.

Perhaps the idea of not only me, but many others out there choosing to consume media over publishing or distributing media, is due to privacy reasons. In the reading Hinton and Hjorth suggest that media users have a private and public account for Instagram and Twitter. This is to suggest that people might prefer to consume media on their public account, and produce and share their photos on their private accounts. From personal experience, although I do sometimes post a photo on my public account, I know I would feel more comfortable to be myself online, if I did have a private account that I could share photos of myself, with only my close friends and family. Hinton and Hjorth make a reference to this in the reading, as they write most people in the world will have a Twitter account because “Twitter is always at hand on mobile, but people are not always actively engaged with it, (Hinton and Hjorth, 2013).” Meaning people are happy to use Twitter by checking their Twitter feed, and seeing what is trending, yet they more than likely won’t post themselves, unless they have a large following. However Private Twitter accounts, who follow and are followed by the people that know them, will more than likely post and feel a sense of freedom to be themselves online.

Therefore by reflecting on my own documentation experience, I realised that I am a heavy consumer of media and not a publisher. The biggest issue I encountered, was the fact that I do not use my voice enough online or publish my own content, unless I need to for Uni. I did expect that I would document myself consuming media, yet not as much as I did actually document, as even on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, I no longer share my own content. I disliked the fact that I was documenting what seemed like the exact same media use everyday, as I did realise, I fall into a routine when it comes to consuming media.

This exercise has shown me that I am a big consumer of media, and have become a passive audience member, when viewing online media. There is evidence to back up this claim, that I have explained within this essay, yet I do find it a problem. I want to be more of a publisher and creator of my own media content. Although there are difficulties when amateur media practitioners try to publish their own work, it doesn’t mean there is no point to it. New media, Web 2.0, although at times seems daunting and overwhelming, is actually pretty incredible, and with all the tools anyone can get access to, it would be a shame for me to forever passively observe others content, without attempting to distribute my own.


Hinton, S & Hjorth, L, 2013, Understanding Social Media, Sage Publications

Analysis blog entry- reflecting on the reflection

After writing the evidence and evaluation blog posts, I have realised that what I have not yet documented is how I felt writing the documentation, and that in a sense I was bored documenting my media use, as I felt as though I was writing the exact same or similar things every day. This therefore made me realise that I have created a routine for myself in terms of using media, as everyday I felt was just copying the previous day. Therefore what I can work on is perhaps broadening my media use or think more creatively about how I do use media on a daily basis. However as I can only reflect on what I have already documented, I can therefore form an argument stating, media has the ability to shape our daily routines, as we become addicted to it. Yet as we become addicted to it, then the media has the power to filter what we watch, depending on what we enjoy watching, as this occurs on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Therefore our lives literally can become controlled by the media. Another proposition, is the fact that me, and like so many others in this world, are consumers of media, yet I have come to notice that all I do is consume media, when I use media. There is the exception, that I do publish or distribute media when I am posting on my blog, or posting a photo of mine to Instagram. Yet I have realised that I don’t do any other kind of publishing or distributing of media, not even often online to friends anymore. I have simply grown so accustomed to watching and consuming media, and perhaps that is because there is now too much media being published in this world and online, that maybe it is just easier to consume media, and leave it at that.

Analysis Blog Entry- Evaluation

The journey of my media use documentation that I recorded over the period of a week, was a unique journey. As I have never taken the time to sit and really think hard about all the media I use on a daily basis. Although I wasn’t overwhelmed with how much media I use, which was in a way good, I was still taken back at how regulated my days have become, as I have realised that without even thinking,  everyday I fall into some social media routine that I ultimately follow without any conscious decision. Throughout my documentation I noticed that every morning, the first thing I do is scroll through my Instagram and Facebook feeds, as it if it something I must do or else. Looking back at my documentation, I am worried that what I do with my time, whilst on social media, is not practical or perhaps even pointless. Yet it is interesting to note, that the media tools I don’t use as often, such as PTV website or checking e-banking, is actually very practical, yet the tools I use to most such as twitter, Instagram and Facebook are not overly practical, in most cases. I also noticed that I am 99.9% a media consumer, as I rarely post or publish anything myself. On the rare occasion I will post a photo of my own to Instagram, yet the only major publishing I do is when I post on my blog, for Uni, and that is still only when I have to post. Therefore I can come to the conclusion that after documenting my media use over the last week, I am definitely a consumer of media and less of a publisher or distributor. This take on media is what I will focus most of my essay on.

Analysis Blog Entry- Evidence

At the beginning of the documentation process, we brainstormed all the different types of media we use on a daily basis, it was then we could pick out exactly what we personally use, and therefore helped us throughout the week with documenting and exploring. During the brainstorming class, we had a go at writing our fist blog entry for day 1, as we listed all the media we had used that day. We had to think hard about what media we use, how we use it and why we use it.  The documentation process of media use that I recorded during the period of a week, included a mix of social media apps and websites such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube Twitter, Netflix and Snapchat, as well as media such as Spotify. These types of media were what I used for entertainment. I also used media such as my mediafactory blog, e-banking, internet to check the PTV website, and The Age website.

My Media Use- Day 7


Internet- checked the PTV website to see train times

Weather app- checked the weather app

Spotify- Listened to the hottest hits Australia on the train

Facebook- Scrolled through my newsfeed

Instagram- Scrolled through my feed

E-banking- Checked my account balance


To check the weather, I tap on the weather app on my phone, which shows me the weather in Melbourne, and what the weather will be throughout the day. Underneath it also shows the weather forecast for the next week. If I swipe right or left, the city changes and therefore the weather of that city is also displayed.

To check the train times, I type into google, my train line timetable. I then select the correct date and whether I am traveling to or from the city. Then underneath is a list of all the stations that are on my train line, and next to the name of the stations, are all the different times the train stops at these stations and whether or not it is an express train.


I need to check the weather every morning, as I need to see what the temperature for that day will be as it affects what clothes I need to wear. I also like to just use the weather app on my phone as it is the easiest tool to use and the quickest. I also do need to check the train timetable, as I need to know what time I should get the train to the city, to ensure I am on time to all of my Uni lectures, screenings and workshops. And looking at the PTV website is also helpful as it tells me if there are any train delays.

My Media use- Day 6


Internet- Checked the train timetable

Instagram- Scrolled through my feed and explore page

Facebook- Scrolled through my newsfeed

Messenger- Messaged friends

Movie- Watched Hitchcock’s ‘North by North West’ for the screening

Snapchat- Watched snapchat stories of the people I have added on Snapchat

Television- Watched the channel 9 news

My Blog- Posted on my blog


Snapchat is an app that I do not use often, however sometimes I will now and then look at snapchat stories. To do this I tap the Snapchat app on my phone, then I swipe right to see all of the Snapchat stories of people I follow.

As part of the cinema studies course, every wednesday we have to sit a screening, and watch a film we will study. This week we watched Alfred Hitchcock’s film ‘North by Northwest’. How we do this, is we sit in a cinema designed room in building 80, and the lights are off, and there is surround sound, so it feels exactly like going to the cinemas. We are therefore forced to watch the film, to grasp as much as we can in order to study it.


When I do use snapchat, I use it for entertainment, but only when I am really really bored. Sometimes I find it interesting to look at other people lives and see what they get up to. I also enjoy using the filters Snapchat has.

I have to watch the films in the screenings every week because it is part of the cinema studies course, therefore I do do this for work, yet also for entertainment as I really enjoy watching movies in a cinema setting, as I am focused and can concentrate very well.

My Media use- Day 5


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed

Facebook-  Scrolled through my newsfeed

Spotify- Listened to the Les Miserables album

My Blog-  I posted a ‘mymediause’ blog post

Television- I watched Married at First Sight

Internet- I googled ‘The Age’ to check the news


I use google to type in ‘The Age’ into the search bar, then links of related pages to websites is displayed on a google page, I click on the official ‘The Age’ website. This website then displays all the current local and world news that I have the option to read, as well as videos I might also be interested in watching.

I was in the mood to listen to the musical ‘Les Miserables’, so instead of usually clicking on the ‘Global 50’ playlist on Spotify, I typed into the search bar ‘Les Miserables’, then clicked the Les Miserables original film album, and chose the specific songs I wanted to listen to by clicking on them.


I looked at ‘The Age’ website for my own interest as I like to keep up to date with the latest news, and I find the internet site a really easy way to access all current news, as the website continues to refresh new stories coming through. I listened to Spotify for my entrainment, and Les Miserables especially, because I love musicals, and Les Miserables is my all time favourite musical.

My Media use-Day 4


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed and explore page

Facebook- Scrolled through my newsfeed

Internet- Gumtree website for work

Twitter- Scrolled through my twitter feed, and checked to see what was trending


When I am at work doing admin, I take photos of equipment or appliances were are selling online via Gumtree. Therefore I send the photos of the appliances we are selling from my phone to my laptop, then I upload the photos onto Gumtree, along with some information about the appliances and how much we are selling it for. Throughout the day I check the Gumtree ads, by clicking on the tab ‘manage ads’  to see if there are any buyers.

I also check twitter, not as often as I do check Instagram and Facebook, but again I scroll through my feed as it is always the first thing displayed on my screen when I tap the twitter app. Once I have seen all posts on my feed, I click the search icon in the top right hand corner of the screen to allow me to see the world twitter trends.


I am active on the Gumtree website and upload photos of appliances to sell because it is apart of my work, and something that needs to get done in the work place. People depend on me to find buyers in order to sell equipment that we no longer need to use.

I use twitter for my enjoyment, again like Facebook and Instagram, I love how it can so quickly connect me to the world. I mainly use twitter to see what celebrities I like are up to, and also to see the top trends in order to feel on top of what is going on in the world.

My Media use- Day 3


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed and also on the explore page

Facebook- Scrolled through my newsfeed

Messenger- Message my group of friends

Blog- Wrote Saturday’s ‘My Media Use Blog’

Netflix- Watched the movie ‘Me Before You’

Spotify- Listened to the Global 50 playlist


To listen to music, I click the Spotify icon on my laptop, I then click ‘browse’ on the left hand side column, then click ‘charts’, to then click ‘global top 50’. A list of the top 50 songs currently listened to across the world is available for me to listen to, and I then choose the songs I want to listen to, or I shuffle the songs.

My favourite app on my phone is Instagram, as I love to look at peoples photos and know about what is going on in their lives. Therefore I scroll through my feed of the people I follow and see their posts, sometimes I double tap to like the photo or I don’t. I then get into the habit of clicking the explore page icon, which leads me to see many different photos from people I don’t follow, yet I somehow have a liking, interest or connection to.


I listen to music on Spotify for entertainment, as I use music as an enjoyable way to escape from the everyday world for a while. I also love to listen to the Global 50 sings as I love to keep up to date with the latest hits trending around the world. I also use Instagram for entertainment, and to keep in touch with the social media world around me, I love to connect with all of my friends who I follow, and also celebrities.

My Media Use-Day 2


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed

iMessage-Messaged my mum on my phone

Internet- Googled movie times to see Beauty and the Beast

Facebook- Checked what memes my friends tagged me in

Cinema- Went to the cinema to see Beauty and the Beast

E-banking- Checked my account balance on my phone through e-banking

Netflix- Binge watched 7 episodes of ‘Riverdale’


If friends I have on Facebook have tagged me in a meme or any post, a notification then notifies me on my iPhone. I then know to access the Facebook app and check the icon on the Facebook homepage that says ‘notifications’ where I will then have the ability to discover what it is my friends have tagged me in. Facebook is really good now at connecting people to different posts and pages, by having people tag or comment their friends creates a strong network.

I also watched ‘Riverdale’ a new Netflix original tv show on ‘Netflix’. To do this, I typed into Google ‘Netflix’, and logged onto my Netflix account. Netflix then suggested all these new movies and tv shows that I should watch or that I would be interested in, as well as movies and shows I am in the middle of watching. I then clicked on ‘Riverdale’, as I had previously seen episode 1 and enjoyed it. I could therefore then watch all more 7 episodes of ‘Riverdale’ straight away, yet episode 9 doesn’t come out until march 31, so not all the episodes come out at once, I just had some catching up to do.


I wanted to check to see what my friends had tagged me in on Facebook because I knew the content was either going to be funny or intriguing and I knew it was going to capture my attention one way or another. I watched 7 episodes of ‘Riverdale’ on Netflix, because I wanted to entertain myself and I had heard many people talk about how much they are enjoying this show, so I wanted to watch more of it.