Development Blog Post- Week 7

Between the weeks 6 to 7 was when I filmed my actual assignment 3 video. I recorded me baking a marble cake, using my recipe, in my Kitchen, using a Sony XD camera, a Tripod, a lighting device as well as a Tripod for the lighting device. Using the lighting equipment was something I do not regret, as it created enough light needed for the ingredients to be seen encountering each other through the extreme close up shots inside the cooking bowl. Therefore overall I was happy with the footage I took, yet I was not able to transfer the footage from the camera to my laptop easily, as the Premier Pro I originally had was not up to date enough. This made it difficult for Mondays class of week 7 as I had none of my footage on my laptop to be able to do the editing exercise. Yet in class I thought it would be a good chance for me to seriously think about how I will edit my footage, once the footage works for my laptop. I did really like the idea of using a graphic match style of editing, because I think it is a very creative way to edit that I do want to use one day, however I thought for my cooking video specifically, I need to think more about a rhythmic style of editing. To edit according to what is occurring inside the frame, as I do need to make every shot in the video try to last as long as it took for the ingredients to be encountered. However because the video can only go for 2-3 minutes, cutting the video down will be a challenge for me. I am looking forward to begin the editing process and to be able to see exactly what editing styles work with my video piece and what styles don’t.

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