Post Production Post 2


During Wednesday’s class of week 12, I, along with the other students who attended the class showed our rough edits or videos that we had so far. At this stage, I had not begun using Korsakow yet, as I had just exported all my videos from Premier Pro, ready to be used for Korsakow. Therefore what I could and did show the class on that Wednesday was each bug, rain and wind video that had been exported. I did not receive any constructive criticism on the actual videos, yet I received comments on how these videos could be key-worded and presented in Korsakow. What the students and Hannah noticed about my videos, was that they varied in the amount of encountering that was occurring. For example for some wind videos, leaves on a tree were moving fast and the power of the wind was obvious, yet for other wind videos, a vine would only slightly move. In the bug videos, some videos included hundreds of ants encountering a tree, and other videos included just one bug. And, in the rain videos, some videos included a few droplets landing on a lilypad, yet contrast with heavy rain on a river. Therefore I received feedback that I could perhaps keyword and categorise my videos into Korsakow, based on the level of encountering occurring in each video.

I took this feedback on board with me as I began playing around with Korsakow. Initially I was intimidated by using Korsakow, as it was a program I had never heard of let alone used before. What I could understand however, was how using keywords for each video, determines how the videos are displayed in the interface. It also determines the order of when each video will be displayed. First of all, I dropped the ‘exported’ folder which included all my videos videos that had been exported from Premier Pro, into Korsakow. I then gave each video an infinite amount of lives, and categorised each video into Keywords of either bug, rain or wind. However using those Keywords meant that not every video could be seen, as I realised all my Keyword ‘IN’ words and Keyword ‘OUT’ words were the same, which meant there was no way a new keyword could be shown. Therefore I listened to feedback I received and changed the keywords to ‘subtle’, ‘movement’ and ‘obvious’. In one video from each category I used the ‘IN’ Keyword as subtle and the ‘OUT’ word as movement, or the ‘IN’ Keyword as movement and the ‘OUT’ keyword as obvious. This therefore allowed a gateway in my video, for all videos to be clicked on or seen in the interface.

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