Week 6- Development Blog Post

Encountering from Maddie Hewson on Vimeo.

Lingering from Maddie Hewson on Vimeo.


The above videos are the encountering and lingering videos I completed in between weeks 5 and 6 that I showed to a small number of people in class.This activity did get me thinking about what I am trying to achieve in assignment 3 and what type of video I want to create. Therefore, for this activity I decided to use the idea of ingredients encountering each other whilst baking or cooking is occurring. This idea definitely did not easily come to mind, as initially when I thought of the word encountering, and what I did first brainstorm, was people meeting each other unexpectedly or on purpose, and that could be positive or negative scenario. Yet the main reason why I gravitated to the word ‘encounter’ was because of how broad the word is, and how it does not even have to be limited towards people necessarily. I thought of the idea of cooking when I was on Facebook and a Buzzfeed cooking video appeared on my Newsfeed, it was a short cooking video on how to make yummy desserts, and because I was already thinking about what to do for this exercise anyway, I noticed how interesting the idea is of the ingredients being encountered by other ingredients was. The types of angles and shots used also intrigued me and basically was my main inspiration for this exercise and assignment 3 overall.

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