Reflection on the Lecture and Reading week 5

This weeks reading and lecture was all about the art of the perfect interview. Louise Turley, producer of ABC’S show ‘Backroads’, came into the lecture to talk about her experience with interviewing over the years. She discussed with us the main points to setting up a good interview; the who, what, where, when and why. What I took from Turley speaking was the fact that for the project Brief 3 interview and for interviewing in the future, being prepared is key. As it is so important to make sure an interviewer is asking the interviewee the right type of questions, appropriate for the interview. It is therefore important for an interviewer to not ask leading questions, such as ‘what problems do you have with your boss?’ as that implies to the interviewee that they have a problem with their boss, and therefore the response can be very limited. So in order for an interview to be as effective as possible, clear, open ended questions should be previously planned before the interview begins. It is also interesting to think about whether the interviewer wants to send the questions that will be asked to the interviewer prior to the interview, or whether they should wait until the interview commences, and the interviewee is surprised. I believe that both options can be effective, yet if the interview wants the answers of the interviewee to completely raw and authentic, then the interviewee should not know the questions they will be asked in advance.

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