Week 2 Exercise

In this weeks lecture, our exercise was to walk along the streets of Melbourne City, to find and capture any forms of media. My groups location was China Town. In China Town, the main source of media that is produced and used on the streets is advertisement. A mass amount of advertisement is created for every type of shop along China Town, and many different businesses in general. A lot of effort has gone into the advertisement of flyers that are stuck on the walls of the streets to attract as many people as possible, to get people looking and being interested their shops and whatever else the ads were selling.

The language within the advertisement is also interesting to note, as it is not just English, Chinese language is also being printed onto the ads, in order to persuade many people from different backgrounds, to communicate the message of the advertisement.

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Week 2 reflection on Lecture and Reading

David Gauntlett’s reading, was to me, eye opening and inspirational. The reading in my opinion was eye opening because I am beginning to view media in a different way, as I used to believe media was less about creating and more about viewing what was published in the newspaper or broadcasted on the television. This reading enabled me to reflect upon the idea that media is a lot more broader than being a passive audience member, trying to take media in, it is about creating our own media to showcase our own beliefs and what is important to us.

David Gauntlett’s idea that media is the ‘trigger for experience’ was very accurate in my opinion, as media can be created from any inspiration be little or small. And once we are inspired, we begin to feel the urge to create inspiring media, to give someone else the same effect. To beable to learn about media we shouldn’t be learning about media, we should be learning with media, as David Gauntlette suggests, again this seems true as media creators will learn how to truly make and create media by getting their hands dirty, not by watching someone else make media from a distance.

This reading will inspire me this week as I create my Project Brief 2 media, in order to learn more about media itself.

Blog Case Study


What do you like about it?

I like how aesthetically pleasing this blog is, therefore it attracted me as soon as I came across the home page. On the left side of the homepage it has the latest popular news and in the centre of the page is the latest issues or topics the world is discussing that are available to read. I like how easy this blog is to view and how it can simply connect to other pages or posts. On the top right hand corner of the blog home page, there are also four other pages that include topics that most readers are interested in.

Why do you think it works well?

I think this blog works well because it is constantly being updated and always remains very modern and aesthetically pleasing. It is not only the visual appeal that is intriguing about this blog, but also the content within the many posts are interesting and broad as they cover so many different topics, issues and interests the world is facing today.

How does the author (or editors, publisher) use authoring, publishing and distributing in the online space to get an audience?

The publishers of ‘The Debrief’ are extremely aware of using the online space and what is available through social media to seek an audience. The Debrief usually does this through twitter, as they have a constantly active twitter page that regularly posts on what is being updated on their blog, to regularly seek the attention of others on twitter to attract them to read the blog, and to get a hold of original readers of ‘The Debrief’ that can follow their twitter page to know about more blog posts coming up or the blogs updates.

Reading Short Literature Review

What I have read across both readings and what I have learnt, is what blogs are, and how they were formed. I discovered that a blog is practically a web based publication that consists of a range of posts with a variety of lengths that are published in reverse chronological order, so the most recent blog post is seen first. Every blog has its own Content Management System (CNS) to enable a blogger, to become a publisher. Blogs are personal, yet they are also public, therefore a blog is not the same as a personal journal or diary, as others see a blog and can comment and reflect on other blog’s posts. A blog is important for a media student as it is used as a tool to reflect on past workshops, readings and tutorials and can also be used for posting about events outside University as well.
The more we use the blog as students, the more we realise how convenient having a blog is.
A blog’s history begins with the printing and publishing of the newspaper, yet the writers of a newspaper do not choose the layout or what the writing looks like on the page, the publishers do. A newspaper does not have connection and links to other sites, and does not enable readers to connect and reply instantly.
Gradually, people such as Markos Moulitsas who created the Daily Kos in 2002,begun using websites to express their ideas on political matters. Yet overtime, people like Dooce, began writing Weblogs dedicated to literature, poems, art and so on and soon enough, the word Weblog turned into the word blog.

About me, explanation (Project Brief 1)

• Through recording the 3 sound clips of me making a cup of tea, my dogs and the water from my pool, I was trying to express my hobbies or what I enjoy doing for fun, I enjoy drinking tea as it relaxes me, I like to be with my dogs and take them for walks and I also love to swim in my pool.
• By uploading the 6 photos to my blog, I was trying to show more of my social and outgoing identity as my friends and family feature in the photos, yet also demonstrate the introverted side to my identity by using the bedroom window photo to express the fact I like to stop often and relax and reflect on my life.
• I wanted to achieve the idea through the videos, that I am the oldest sibling and that a part of my identity is that I help with looking after my younger brothers, such as doing carpools, helping with dinner and supervising them when they are in the pool and overall just being a good role model in their lives.
• This does work to an extent, however what I would do next time is I would begin planning and filming earlier and try to give myself more time to come up with more creative and abstract ideas of expressing myself on this blog.