My Media Use- Day 1


Facebook- Scrolling through my newsfeed

Instagram- scrolling through my Instagram feed, and liking photos of people I follow

My blog- I posted on my blog 6 times, this included text, videos and photos

Vimeo and Flickr- I embedded photos an videos from vimeo and flickr onto my blog post

Messenger- I messaged my friends on a group chat on the ‘messenger app’

Spotify- I listened to the global top 50 songs playlist on Spotify

Safari- I googled my train line timetable



In terms of publishing content, I posted text on my blog in relation to an assignment for my media 1 class. Along with publishing text on my blog, I also recorded a video on my phone taken of people painting an advertisement on a building in the city. In order to post this video on my blog, I uploaded this video onto my Vimeo account from a file on my desktop, and shared this video by embedding the link onto my blog post. Therefore when my blog post was posted, the video from vimeo was embedded onto the post and became automatically linked to Vimeo, I also tagged the post ‘vimeo’.


I posted this video on my blog, because it was a blog post I had to do for Uni. My aim was to show how people are constantly creating media, which is represented in the video, as people are painting an ad for a film on a building, instead of using a billboard like most advertisements. I posted this video also to learn something, to learn and reflect on the reading and discussion for that week that media practitioners need to instead of learning about media, learn with media, and to try to be as creative as possible.

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