
Through listening and reading the Creative Commons how it works and sharing of digital content  video and the RMIT copyright guide, I have learnt that through using Creative Commons, media publishers and creators can use the work of someone else’s, only if they copy the work from people that have a Creative Commons license, and people that want their work to be copied, can apply and receive a Creative Commons license as well.

The different copyright elements to a license include ‘BY’, which means anyone that copies work off someone with this license must state who the work is originally by. NC (Non Commercial) is another element, which means only the original creator of the work people are copying are allowed to make a profit from their work. ND (No Derivatives) this element means anybody who copies the work of someone with this license must to change any aspect of it. And the SA (Share Alike) element means anybody can copy work from someone with this license in any format, yet the work itself must not be changed.

If people do not want to share their work with people or have their work copied, any public work is automatically their own work, and is set under copyright.

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