Ethics When Blogging

Being ethical or following ethics when posting on a blog is very important. In todays networked media workshop, I learnt that to be ethical online is to not break the law, which seems obvious but it can happen and that is also about taking personal responsibility for what gets posted and about knowing the rules and regulations that apply to the content in the post.

The idea of comments being available on a blog is a good idea, as it is important to produce discussion online and connect with other people to express an opinion, yet when ‘trolls’ or people who comment nasty replies on someone else blog post, that the owner of a blog may stop people commenting all together. Nasty comments being published however, stem from the idea that the people who are posting content on their blogs, may or may not always state or make it clear it is only their opinion. If a writer of a blog post is not clear in stating the content produced is their opinion, the comments tend to become more negative toward the blog post and the writer. It is a lot worse also, when the writer of the blog post actually states their idea represented within the post is a fact. Because this can therefore create negative and hurtful comments to be posted when people who disagree are replying to that post.


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