Reflection on week 2 Activity

Were you nervous about presenting your work?

Yes I was, mainly because I did not think my photos, videos and sounds were very creative or abstract, and I thought others in the group would be.

What kind of feedback did you get?

Generally good feedback, there were lots of positive comments, yet also a few criticisms on how I could have taken a photo or a video better. I also got feedback on what or how I could alternatively take a photo, sound or video clip.

What is most difficult about the process and why?

What is most difficult is sharing my work with the people on the table, as I did not seem overly confident with my work. I also found it very difficult to give out criticism, especially to work that I felt didn’t even deserve criticism.

How might you get better at this hat system?

I will get better at this hat system by feeling more confident and happy with the work I produce and present, as my work will aim to be more abstract. I will also get better at give better constructive criticism to benefit others and their work by doing more project briefs.

What might be a good way to separate moments of receiving feedback and actually evaluating and doing something with it?

Take on the feedback given to me in the workshop, then in my spare time I will look over the feedback and reflect and evaluate over the feedback and how it really relates to my work. After the evaluation and reflection period in my own time, I will take on the criticism given to me and make for media to aim to produce a more abstract media.

Is it worth reflecting on the feedback both close to the experience and a bit further on?

Yes definitely, it is always worth reflecting on the feedback of peers in the class. It is important blouse to the experience because it is so fresh in the mind and that is when most of the changes to my own work can occur accurately. It is also important to reflect later on as well, to be reminded of key parts of the feedback that may have been forgotten in the process.

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