This week’s reading by Ted Nelson was on the whole about hypertext. He defines hypertext as: non sequential writing – text that branches and allows choices to the reader, best read at an interactive screen. I suppose our blogs are made up of hypertext. Each post has been given a title which readers can click on, which then leads them into the post. The blog does not have to be read in a sequential order, although it can be, too.
The other reading is by Vannevar Bush, “As We May Think” in which he discusses the joint power of science and invention and where they can lead us into the future. He articulates that further progress needs to be made for the mind rather than just our physical presence. This was written in 1945, just following the completion of World War II. He predicts inventions of the future. It is amazing how far the world has come since then, and even more amazing when we ponder just how much further it will continue to develop. Scary, even. But if one thing’s for certain, technology is going to make up a HUGE part of it.