lectorial week 10

I decided to do something very different today and take notes via this platform (aka on this very post itself). So the following you are about to read is a very raw and a real-time approach for Week Ten’s lecture:


  • creating space – they way we are addressed e.g. in radio studies, it is discussed as if the radio is talking to you
  • the listener is always in the center of the piece; modes of address is how to position the reader within the space

The Spoken Word

  • fantastic on media – very real and raw, perhaps it even encapsulates the essence of the person, their story, their voice
  • there many inflections of the VOICE… you can manipulate it in many ways, play around it, etc
  • it can cut through so much, including emotions, feelings, etc


  • too much music in your piece can ruin your message
  • but music has strong cultural associations and can assist your project
  • compositional techniques of music is powerful
  • cultural baggage of music – how do we perceive music???


Example #1: Babies of Colour

Human voices – ‘reading’ voice,
improvisation in the studio,
establishment of the setting (background noise),
fly-on observational,
location interview – location narration

Example #2: Not entirely sure about the title but it relates to War/Enlistment…etc

Narrator – read voice + scripted
Music: Pre-recorded
Archival sound/atmospheric sound/SFX

It was interesting and definitely a privilege to get insight from Ms Brettle’s experience with radio and being a specialist in audio! There were new terms I’ve learned including archival sound, atmospheric sound and so much more. Other than that, all I can say about Week Ten’s lectorial was that it was uncomfortably stuffy and hot in that lecture room. That’s all.


PB #1 reflection

This is something I should’ve done right after uploading the media from project brief #1 so this reflection is just going to be a TAD late.

Completing this project really reinforced me to revisit myself as a person. Who am I and what is my purpose? I know that sounds pretty deep for completing an assessment but honestly, I’m glad that they made us do this task. It’s such a great way to deem yourself as a unique individual in the sea of bright first-years (or jaffies lmao), especially in a field where confidence and creativity are a prerequisite.

I’m satisfied with the content I have provided because I believe it truly showcases who I am as a person. I tried to not to be too over-sharing/too poetic/too deep but I can’t help it haha. That’s just who I am as an individual!

Hope this was an interesting short read for you. As always,

Lyreca 💖

5 0 w o r d s

Finally, I’ve tried to follow a poetic but a straightforward approach to the 50 words depicting myself. I’ve attempted to match it with the corresponding media I’ve included – hopefully it somehow meshes well together. It really is just a random assortment of sentences.

a lazy perfectionist.

the articulation from my mouth isn’t a reflection of my mind’s comprehension

music that bring you to another dimension 





the quintessence of humanity? – an ongoing wonder and curiosity I have about life

lyreca, 2017

Moving visual images

A very similar approach like my two previous pictures in the Philippines’ province – except in video form! Although this time, it shows the form of transformation I used to go around town. A simple amount of 5 pesos (13 cents) is enough to take you around town. The simplicity of the provincial life links back to me because I’ve once experienced this lifestyle at a very young age. The disconnection has made me appreciative of this experience once I reconnected with it.

Yet again, another media of the sea! My close inclination with water towards does not discriminate – any body of water I encounter and I am immediately mesmerised. I feel like it somehow has something to do with having a water sign as a horoscope. I’m a Pisces! ♓

This was the first I’ve ever completed a puzzle and of course, it was done with some of my close friends – there was definitely a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment involved. And who isn’t a fan of Van Gogh’s work? His art was definitely worth replicating into a puzzle (no matter how complicated it was). His famous ‘Starry Night’ is definitely worthwhile.

Thank you for now!

Lyreca 💖

Pictures of youuuuu, pictures of meeeeeee ♫

*Click on the photo for a higher resolution!

Recently visiting the motherland (the Philippines), I managed to capture these photos that I felt represented my ethnicity and cultural identity. The first picture includes my brother, my mother in the background and a moth. According to my mother or the Filipino culture, it is believed that butterflies are the souls/spirits of our late relatives. This visit was particularly for my late grandfather and thus, everyone regarded this moth/butterfly to be the spirit of my grandfather, visiting us.

As for the second photo, it was in the thriving market of my mother’s province. I wanted to highlight the market culture that we have in the Philippines – this isn’t something you usually see in Melbourne. But for the locals, it was the everyday norm. Think of Victoria Market but with x10 fresher produce, crowded stalls with its busy vendors, fish getting slapped everywhere and meat getting freshly cut right in front of you. This is the culture I grew up with but was slowly erased from my memory ever since my departure. It all came back to me during my visit.

A picture of your own mother already says a lot about my identity. We have about the same haircut here, similar eyes, mouth and nose. Most of my family say I look more like my dad (even my own mother). Again, this was taken during my visit in the Philippines. Seeing a photo of my mother in her youthful days really puts myself into a different perspective – my mother had a similar life like me before I was born – she was attending school, yet it was at a different time and circumstance. Hm.

I felt the need to actually include a photograph of Walt after the audio of him barking. It’s the exact same reason why I added the audio – Walt has become an integral part of my life and my family’s life, reminding us of our crazy childhood stage. This is a perfect photo because Walt was at the peak of his craziness and he was still quite small in comparison to today. It really shows how fast we grow out our childhood. Once again, I like to think of Walt as a reminder of it.

I went down to the Great Ocean Rd with my two friends from Japan. I decided to include this photo because beaches like this hold such a close part to my heart. I am in awe and entranced every time I revisit Loch Ard Gorge’s beauty – it relates to me because of my fondness towards that. The rock formations also show how unpredictable the sea can be – much like the course of one’s life.

I pretty much grew up in planes. Growing up, my dad often used to move due to his job’s demands and of course, we had to come along. We moved to Saudi Arabia – in between that was obviously long hours on the plane, transits from one country to the other, immigration, collecting the luggage, the usual. We would also travel back to the Philippines to visit every other year and also transit in different country for a day or two.

My siblings and I have experienced every sunrise, sunset, storm through the eyes of an aeroplane’s window. In short, a part of my childhood was becoming accustomed to the dry, recycled aeroplane air, the compartmentalised airplane food and the small foot space – this photo is a perfect fit for my years’ experience in an aeroplane.

‘Til next time,

Lyreca 💓


Audio recordings of my life (in 3 parts)


Humming: One of my all-time favourite songs, it wonderfully depicts my deep appreciation of our presence and impact in this lifetime – the melody and lyrics leave such an incredibly deep and profound expression towards our (well, my, in this case) existence. Humming this song gives more of a personal feel, including the soft breeze of the wind and makes it more relevant to my identity. The lyrics conclude with “We’ll stir our spirits, til we’re one then soft as shadows we become” accompanied by the ambient instrumentals. To me, this piece of art always reassures life’s uncertainties.

(If anyone is interested here is the link to the actual song!)


Barking: I felt the need to include this as part of myself because this dog has guided me through so much – from learning patience and understanding – its as if I already had a child. He may be mischievous at times but that’s all part of the process of growing up, which rather, reminds me of myself somehow. Our childhood shapes us so much and Walter is a reminder of that period in my life.


Crunch: I added a rather funny bit of audio because I believe it somehow illustrates my character – I am a huge fan of eating snacks, and you can already tell so much about a person just by the choice of their favourite food. Also, I wanted to give off that personal feeling of eating with someone (whether it be family or friend) – it gives off a such a familial and intimate touch, especially when it comes to food. Food is universal!

Media sources:

  • Sea Of Voices‘ Image
  • Image from ‘Walt’s Bark’ belongs to me
  • Chips‘ Image

Thanks for reading 💓
