My weekly observations: Week Four

Observation Seven:

Speaking to someone online versus seeing them in real life is a concept that is baffling to many individuals such as myself. My plans to meet up with a friend I rarely see but speak to online happened on a Wednesday afternoon. Brunch was the chosen mode of activity at a local cafe. There were no expectations of how it would be like when we met up, but once I saw her, it felt completely different as to how I would usually interact with her. Because we seldom see each other, there was no sense of familiarity as you would have with an old friend but also, it is a completely different type of interaction even though we’ve spoken on multiple occasions online. There is just that explainable awareness of one another, especially because you witness everything is in real time and in the flesh.

Observation Eight:

I’ve known this person for a considerable amount of time but I’ve never had the opportunity to visit their home. On Friday night, I took part in making it one of the most memorable nights for this person. We all hid in the corner awaiting her presence, a cake in my brother’s hand with two lit candles shaped ‘two’ and ‘five’. She didn’t seemed too surprised because she was a person of a few words, let alone actually showing her emotions. I could tell she was pleasantly surprised to the point where she was crying tears of joy. She briefly said “thank you so much and thank you for coming”, gave a few a hugs around and went in her room to freshen up, ready to enjoy the rest of her night.

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