Observation Three:
The weekend is always an eventful time of the week as everyone starts to wind down from all the stresses of the past few days. Social media is a good way to document all the good and bad decisions that we make in these two days. A little peculiarity that I noticed during the weekend was an image of myself, captured through the lens of a mobile phone. What made this interesting was that this was coming from a different perspective, meaning that I have never seen this side of myself before.
Looking at yourself move in a certain way, analysing your own mannerisms and hearing yourself talk was what striked me – we all see different versions of ourselves, whether it’s through a mirror or a camera.
On top of that, the conditions of the environment is what really alters your physical appearance and your behaviour – the lighting at the time was of a yellowish hue, making my skin appear more olive than it already is. I was unusually loud as well, considering my state of mind was altered due to a few glasses of alcohol.
Because of my slight intoxication, seeing myself through social media served a purpose as it helped to guide my memory of a hazy weekend.
Observation Four:
A friend of mine were discussing the implications of violating the Victorian road laws and luckily enough, we were privileged to miss out on potential fines.
Fate seemed to favour its timing of torment because once I arrived home, there was a letter waiting for me. What was unusual about this was that I never receive any letters unless I needed to do my annual check up with the dentist, or make an appointment with my optometrist.
This blank, clinical-looking piece of envelope, my name and address through the small window did not seem to hold any implications over me. Once I opened it without restraint, this was a form that I would have to dwell on over the next couple of weeks.
Through this fine, it forced me to recap how I was driving at the time and to think of it, I was following the road rules so I saw no reason to be receiving this hefty amount charged against me. In the unforeseeable future, this would encourage my driving behaviour, but in the meantime, this infringement notice needs to be dealt with.