Welcome to Translating Observation Week One: My Initial Thoughts

During the first week back, I had unfortunately missed out on the first two classes of Translating Observation, so I have no actual reflection to present from any of the classes, other than my initial thoughts of the course and my two cents of what I have “observed” prior to this course.

Life before Translating Observation was already a life full of introspection, whether it would just be a random thought or diving a bit deeper, such as realising my purpose in this world. An example of this was my most recent travels to the continent of Europe – that in itself was a realisation of my position in this world, and within that trip, there were a lot of realities that I had observed.

An observation was how insignificant your problems are comparing to what people in other countries have to endure. The political and economic state of the country is what subjects its inhabitants to live the way they are living; litter on the streets, polluted air from all the smokers, cramped apartments – these are the little things we never had to think about whilst living in Melbourne, as it is one of the most livable cities in the world. Despite all this, people still continue to thrive and adapt – the disadvantages they have do not stop them from straying away from their identity. The French have stayed chic as always, the Portuguese never stopped smiling and the Italians continued to be charming. These were the little observations that I saw throughout my trip.


What I expect to get out of this course is a more refined analysis of how I would tell a story through the multimedia mode – the smallest of intricacies, a detailed observation, improved skills of how to operate gadgets and essentially, capturing the true essence of how I perceive the world.

I have always wanted Robin to be my tutor and this semester, I have the privilege of getting to know him better through his teachings and his helpful advice. By the end of this course, I aim to be familiar and comfortable with the camera whilst projecting an accurate representation of my observation and essentially sharing my viewpoint of the world.

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