Prompt – Experiment II

Moving onto the next experiment, I wanted to capture the same features of my immediate environment as I had done in the initial experiment. However, the only difference is that I will be using a different type of medium – photography. The question I have asked myself and plan on tackling through Experiment II is:

What will you see when you capture the same aspects in the form of photography? 

The reason why I decided to change the mode of capturing is to get a different point of view. With video, the movement of certain objects are easily detectable and are easily noticed. With photography, I believe that it can reveal more of the plant’s and more of the white object’s features and characteristics, enabling me to see the difference between videography and photography. Therefore, here is the recipe along with a solid criteria of what it is I must do for Experiment II:

Using a different medium to explore the same characteristics of the world 

The aim of this task is to explore the same aspects that had already been seen in Experiment I. You will, however, be capturing images and not video recordings.


  • the same camera previously used in experiment I (Nikon D3200)
  • yourself, of course!
  • a computer for editing
  • Adobe Photoshop software


  1. Within your immediate location, capture the required characteristics of that place, as you have done in Experiment I.
  2. Remember to take full advantage of the camera’s settings and that it should always be on the ‘Manual’ mode.
  3. Once you have captured around 10-20 pictures or as long as you are satisfied with the images, make a collage through Adobe Photoshop.


  • The camera’s focal length always has to be at 35mm for this experiment.
  • It is crucial that the camera’s settings are always on ‘Manual’.
  • Finally, it is also important that you use Adobe Photoshop to make the collage. No other apps or software must be used.


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