Prompt – Experiment I

The first stage of this project is to question your craft, particularly with noticing and how ‘attuned noticing’ enhances your ability to focus and pay more attention to your surroundings. From the previous project, ‘Unfamiliar Noticing’, we were asked as media practitioners to form a question about how one is able to create media through noticing. Two of the questions that I formed were the following:

  1. How can I further expand this new perspective that I have gained?
    Before tackling this question, I did receive feedback from task two about how I should shift my focus to “noticing” as a practice. While I did mention it in my reflections and theories, I lacked the physical practice of noticing and instead dwelled on the actual imagination rather than the action of noticing. Therefore, I shall make it a point to actually incorporate ‘purposeful noticing’ on what I intend to notice. Moving on to the actual question, I would like to practice more of this perspective whilst also incorporating new styles of perspective and getting to know the uses of my tool. With these factors, the act of noticing shall be a far less challenging with my awareness of my surroundings and my new outlook as a media maker.
  2. How can I use this skill to improve my artistry and use of the camera?
    My initial thought towards the question was the technicality of the camera and thus, it became easier to forget about the art of noticing. To me, it was all about the settings of the camera such as the exposure, ISO, aperture, etc – after getting my feedback from task two, that is when I realised that I had forgotten about noticing as the main priority. While it is important to take the camera’s settings into consideration, it is important to include and mesh the practice of noticing into your work. With the “new-found” perspective that I have gained from task two, I believe that my enhancement of noticing can improve my artistry and therefore, the use of the camera.

By answering both these questions with a clear consensus of noticing, I have made it a point to incorporate more of noticing by applying a formula or a rule, much like the previous task:

“Notice every white car and foliage within your chosen location” 

Film a particular aspect of my chosen location – A BUSY ROAD? – what aspect of the busy road should I record? – every white car? Moving plants/foliage around the area and how it interacts with the environment as a whole? Maybe both? Are we following the theme of nature vs man? This is where the recipe comes in:

Implementing my new-found perspective through the lens

The aim of this task is to apply the questions previously asked from Task Two whilst also heavily incorporating noticing to your chosen surroundings.


  • a camera, preferably the same DSLR previously used in task 2 
  • yourself to carry the camera (arms + hands are important!)
  • a computer for editing
  • Premiere Pro software


  1. With your chosen location, use your camera to record the place for 10-15 minutes. You can video record several aspects of the place with different camera angles being used.
  2. Make sure you also experiment with the different settings of the camera such as the ISO, exposure, aperture, shutter speed to get different perspectives of your location.
  3. Once you have finished filming, edit your video through Premiere Pro and reiterate the items/objects you have seen.


  • The catch of this recipe is that you MUST notice ONLY notice white cars and any types of plants or foliage.
  • You are welcome to use any of the settings from the camera to your heart’s content – just so long as you experiment and explore new techniques from the camera.
  • Make sure you do this all within a day.

Happy noticing!


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