For this week’s initiative, I’d like to discuss Facebook’s way of delivering news to its users. Depending on what type of person you are, you probably like to keep informed with the world’s current affairs or you probably don’t want to get involved at all. However, if you fall under the category of a “Facebook user”, you can’t avoid the stream of news when it’s right in front of your face. You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about – your eyes just can’t seem to help itself and immediately looks on the right-hand corner – the trending news!
Now relating to week nine’s reading, it discusses the legitimacy of news sources and from my own assumptions and experiences, people (including myself) are now becoming more and more reliant on the delivery of news via Facebook. The downside of this dependency is that the news isn’t current/live. This may not matter for those who couldn’t care less though. I decided to do more research and how the ~algorithms~ of the Facebook’s news work:
And voíla! According to the explanation, it is not an actual news headliner but more so shows the “trending” topics that is highly popular. So what I’m really trying to say is: Facebook does provide somewhat accurate news but it’s more selective on the news it provides, which obviously caters the public’s popular topic/news/headlines/etc.
hmmm, that’s all?