a week eight initiative post

Like I said in week seven, I’d conclude my thoughts on 13 Reasons Why, especially its impact on myself after finishing the show. The ending left on a cliff-hanger with another death of character, leaving fans to interpret and come up with speculations about what’s going to happen next. I guess that’s how people usually cope when they’ve binged-watched a series right? The show sparked both positive and negative reviews/responses and honestly, I stand more on the negative spectrum in the crowd of opinions. In fact, my friends and I have even de-briefed and reflected on character development, plot and essentially the message it gives. We feel that it doesn’t promote a very helpful message on teenage issues – it actually just worsens and deflects on preventing suicide.




Now look, I could sit here all day providing resources, articles, tweets and comments about why this show is an unhealthy portrayal of suicide but each to their own I guess. It just doesn’t sit right with me, that’s all. At the end of the day, it’s the content-maker’s job to entertain – a show won’t get popular like this if it were portraying boring characters with real storylines. Eh.

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