The concept of public versus private space, is mostly discussed on the medium that is technology. The generation of millenials and X/Y experience a new form expression that has never been experienced before by previous generations. What I’ve noticed in the reading is that it emphasised the concept of “power”, making it a reason why youth “overshare” on the internet. The reading discussed the different roles teens and adults have on the internet and that is –
adult = power/the surveillance and teen = their form of expression/the challenger against the “power”
The reading could be interpreted in so much more ways but that’s my version of it, as I tried to condense it. All in all, my opinion of the whole topic is that previous generations have always been vocal about their expressions/opinions/etc but now in the new age of technology, the teenagers of today are the ones facing the the question of “why youth share so publicly?”
That’s that?
lyreca 🤢