week 2 reflection – reading, lectorial and workshop

As you can tell by the title, this reflection will be separated into 3 parts: the reading, lectorial and the workshop, all from week 2 madness. There’s nothing I hate more than a lengthy introduction so here it goes!


The main focus of week 2’s reading was looking at MEDIA in a different perspective rather than viewing it in a traditional and linear manner. One of these perspectives were:

“We should look at media not as channels for communication messages but for experiences and making things happen”

– David Gauntlett

I somewhat believe this, because in my very humble opinion, media is a channel for communication! While I do agree that it’s also for experiences, it can be used as both in comparison to solely giving it one role. Media is an intersectional body that can be used for several purposes.

Upon writing some notes on the reading, the author emphasised on focusing on the creative aspect, rather than the theoretical part of media. I agree with Gauntlett’s rhetoric to a certain extent – there should be a balance between the two whilst undergoing the study of media/communication. With theory comes practice. Although, it all really depends on the individual and media’s user, hence why media is such a flexible concept that you can mould to your own liking and personality.

Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed the read along with the author’s ideas and attitude towards media – we shared some similar views and beliefs toward the practice and I have certainly been left with a profound quote to ponder about – “We should look at media as trigger for experiences and making things happen”.


I managed to snag in a seat early unlike week 1 so I was in a comfortable position to be taking down notes and intently listening to Brian. He went through the usual housekeeping stuff, informing us of the basic information regarding the course and its requirements. But getting into the lectorial; he made us write down our opinions of media. Here is what I wrote (on paper) translated into the digital world (or on my own blog lol):

“Media is: 

  • Creativity: thought-provoking 
  • Collaboration/teamwork/interdependence 
  • “Triggers for experience” – conversation 
  • Limitless – growing prevalence, intersectional
  • Emotional – influential, shaping/manipulating, communication, reflects society  

Hearing responses around the room really gave me some good ideas and also made me realise how much I’m living inside a bubble (or perhaps lacking in vocabulary) – media really is an output for unique and individual expression. It tells you a different story about everyone, the complexities of a human being and maybe even the universe itself. I don’t wanna get in too deep but TLDR; there is A LOT of different individuals in the room with different backgrounds. This is totally straying away from the topic of media but that was just a self-revelation I discovered whilst listening to Brian’s lecture. (I hope there is some sort of relevance? 😓)

P.S. I made a separate blog post about the group activity here!


I felt EXTREMELY nervous to be attending week two’s workshop due to the fact the we had to present our work form PB #1. It turns out, it was only someone who was willing to volunteer (I volunteer as tribute!), phew.

I don’t recall her name but I only remember her as the girl from WA who wears glittery eye make-up, LMAO sorry if you’re reading this! We’ll call her, ‘Glittery Girl’ or ‘GG’. Upon looking at her content, I could immediately tell she was a humorous/sarcastic gal and definitely confident enough to be showing their content to a class of at least 25 people. Mind you, her work was going to be critiqued and commented on. I noticed a vast and major difference between the work she produced and mine. She didn’t take the task literally and seriously which is a good thing. Through her approach, she truly displayed her personality – her love for make-up, her sarcasm towards her family and friends and also the almost careless attitude she had to the world. I really admired that about GG and I was almost envious about her confidence. In short, I really enjoyed the fact that I got to know more of her personality through little bits and pieces of the media she showed us!

Of course, after every presentation – a critique is always necessary whether it be from a teacher or from your classmates – in this case, it was the latter.


Liam (Liam Ward) told us about the “6 coloured hats” for our approach to critiques/criticisms about a particular work. I felt a tense atmosphere during this moment and also felt the hesitation within the room. I can totally understand why Liam wants us to follow this certain approach – it helps us take feedback in a constructive manner and also deepens our understanding about the world of Media, which obviously consists of criticisms about one’s work.

We have finally come through THE END OF THIS REFLECTION, THANK GOD!!!!!!!! If you got through reading 700 words, thank you for spending your time on this blog, because honestly, I wouldn’t even read my own shit (is it appropriate to swear on here lol).

I bid you adieu,

Lyreca 🤓

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