Haiku Exercise

IN creating this Haiku video, I had to download the software of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015. This is very new to me and something I have never used before. In year 12 I used Final Cut Pro, which has many similarities to Premiere but there were also many differences. After reading a few links sent to us on how to use this program, I think I eventually got the basics down. However there is much more for me to learn and I think the more I play around with it the more I shall discover.

During class, we each used our phones to film a 10 to 15 seconds video that is stagnant. So this exercise was to start practicing using Premiere and we had to put together a short film including visuals and a haiku poem. We had the opportunity to pair together a few different clips using any footage that was filmed by anyone in our class and we used the audio linked to us from sound cloud.

Here is the short piece I put together using 4 – 5 film clips, music, voice over and written. It showcases the basic skills that I learnt on Premiere.

Screen Shot 2016-03-13 at 4.23.26 pm

In creating this video, I wanted to keep it very simplistic. I wanted to trial out black and white which I thought made it look a bit more rustic and imperfect which I really liked. I also tried to fit the heavy music with the footage that had some sort of movement in them which then juxtaposed with the soft music with the stillness of the final shot. Instead of just having the written words at the end, I used a voice over to enhance the importance of the Haiku poem and to give it a bit more meaning. The first shot when put into premier turned out smaller in size but this I thought was quite quirky and transitioned into the second piece of footage nicely so I kept it as is. I also tested out a few different dissolves and fades, there are many more different editing transitions and effects which I will constantly be trying out and figuring out which I like and what effect each one has.



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