Reflecting on bed sequence:

  • trialled a lot with Premiere using colour correction to enhance the shots, as I shot this in really low light conditions using premiere to lighten the image and make the whites in the shot more white, reducing the orange/red tone really added to the overall image which I think worked out really well.
  • I would’ve like some of the shots to be more stable (as the brief requires) but I didn’t have a tripod at this time. So I had to get someone to help out with the shots I was in, I think by using a tripod however would’ve made the whole sequence more engaging and more rhythmic.
  • I struggled a bit with keeping it to 40 seconds so part of the rhythm and flow feels a bit of, some things don’t have the right timing and some shots are too long/too short.
  • I discovered a lot about depth of field and I think for me it really adds a lot to the image. This I also realised how important focus is as in some of the other shots I looked at were slightly out which just was super disengaging and distracting so I must note to be more aware of this.
  • However despite this I really like the overall piece that managed to be created and edited within 2 hours
  • using a quick storyboard helped with time management as well as the shots were already pre thought off making the shoot easier and more efficient.

Reflecting on class piece:

  • really love the composition of these shots, I think the close up angle worked really well however perhaps experimenting with a different perspective of the hands would’ve been interesting (maybe where the hand doesn’t  completely become the whole frame)
  • More head room in the mid shot would’ve given more space and allowed for a more open shot I think.
  • I also would’ve preferred to crop out both the white plug and part of wall in long shot as it appears distracting the to eye.
  • I did well in these pieces however to stick to what was in my mind i had the idea and I executed it the way I thought of it in my head.
  • I think the exposure is fine but the focus may be slightly off

Reflecting on home piece:

  • strongly disliked this piece
  • used my iPhone 7 but the quality of this came out quite bad
  • had a friend help film and the camera was very shaky and not directed in the way I would’ve shot it myself had I held the camera
  • the whole shoot was rushed and not thought out (despite doing a storyboard)
  • definitely didn’t have any spark nor was I interested or excited about this piece
  • I also didn’t get the editing colour correction correct, its way over corrected that it looks very obvious and not great. so will learn from this shoot to a) don’t overcorrect a piece, b) take more time and effort when thinking about the shot and actually shooting it, c) if I’m not excited about a shot don’t press record and d) maybe work on how I can use my iPhone as a great tool for film as well.

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