Observation #5

Waiting at the arrivals terminal in Melbourne. Lots of anxious and excited vibes are surrounding the area.  Clusters of people staring fixatedly at the doors awaiting for them to open to be reunited with the people they know and love. As I sat staring at the door for my dad I couldn’t help but take particular notice of two men. It was the most unusual pairing of people you could imagine. One man was extremely quiet when he spoke, I could literally not hear a word he said. He wore a very dark trench coat with black clothes underneath and a red beanie. It reminded me a little of Bob Marley. The other man however was quite the opposite as he was very loud, so loud in fact the whole airport heard what he was saying. His head was shaven, he wore a carky jacket, blue jeans, scarf and all in all appeared very organised and together.
I have the impression they just met, and the quieter of the man wasn’t sure on where he was staying. I gathered this from him saying “you can’t sleep at the airport” He then went on later to say “Your an intelligent man I know your gonna do well in life”. From there the loud man gave him all his details to make sure he’s alright “email me let me know how you are”. He proceeded to say how he doesn’t usually give out his number but he gave it to him beavsue he wanted to make sure he was alright. Before they leave their seperate ways they embrace in a very caring way. I just loved the thought that I perhaps just witnessed the beginning of a great friendship. I think there is something so interesting about first meetings. How often do we think of the first time we met out partners or best friends. Every time I think of that moments like that I can’t quite remember exactly what happened. I can’t recall what I thought, how we acted or what happened. It’s amazing to think back to that moment and how at that time you had no idea of where that relationship would go. It was full of possibilities, and that was the beginning.
The beauty of a first connection…

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