Observation #2

Round darkened glasses that obscured me from looking into his eyes, I thought they were perhaps prescription sunglasses due to the lightly curved and enlarged effect I noticed whilst looking at them. A crisp white shirt not a crinkle in sight, a small pink and black poker dot bow tie, long grey pants again ironed perfectly with a straight crease down the front, mid length blue socks showing as he sat down his grey pants risen slightly, shiny black shoes with the shoe lace double knotted and a penguin black jacket. His white hair was slightly balding at the top and he held firmly onto his slightly old and torn leather briefcase. He sat comfortably on the tram very aware of his surroundings, he looked around often in a optimistically cheerful manner. He seemed ready for the day ahead and excited for all it had to offer. He was constantly laughing and smiling to himself. For a brief moment he looked out of the window on the tram and he waved with such enthusiasm I couldn’t help but smile. This man was oozing sheer sophistication in a crazy professor sort of way.

It was at this moment I noticed a light ray shining through the tram window despite it being such a typically cold morning. Illuminating this mans face in almost a god like aura, the sun glistened in on him  whilst the rest of the passengers were hidden with shadow.



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