So I thought I’d write a little post just to keep updated on how my groups going with our PB4. So at the beginning we really started off slow, we didn’t understand what the assessment was even asking us to do. From there we basically just brainstormed and came up with an overarching idea of texts and narratives getting “lost in translation”, from this we spent the next week or so changing and adapting that. Ryan came up with the idea of trigger warnings which we all really liked and we were also going to do a video on movies at the oscars. With trigger warnings we all did lots of research and finally was moving in a strong direction. However last week we changed our oscars idea because we all lacked knowledge on what we were actually trying to say, which is quite problematic. So now we were back to square one and we had to rethink a new idea, at the start of our brainstorming Jason mentioned the critics received from the release of “The Interview”. So we decided to go with this. Currently I think we are working really well as a team, at the start we lacked direction and so we didn’t really achieve a lot. However now we have divided up all the workload and given people different tasks and interviews to complete which is working out so much better. I think we have also all clicked a bit more, at the start non of us really knew each other so it has been good to work with different people. We are beginning to use peoples strengths and thats working out well. We still have a fair way to go but I know we will get it all done on time, and we will all put in the effort to complete this assessment to the best of our ability.