Sound in Lord of the Rings

Sound/ Sound Design from Lord of the rings scene with Sam and Frodo and giant spider. All was done in post production to layer and create sounds, and create depth.

D= dialog and human noise
M = music
A – atmospheric
FX = sound effects
In this short clip we listed all the audio sounds we could hear and then wrote down from the above key what each one was.
  • breathing D
  • background noise things moving  A/FX
  • sky and thunderstorm A
  • wind whistle
  • tarantula moving FX
  • steps A
  • rocks moving falling A
  • dripping FX
  • getting stabbed by spider A
  • choking and dying sounds D
  • music soundtrack orchestral intense M
  • legs o spider moving FX
  • a lighter side to soundtrack as Sam comes into scene M
  • let him go (loud) dialog D
  • screeching FX
  • fighting sounds FX
  • falling on the ground A
  • clicking on metal object on floor FX
  • screaming, audio sounds from characters D
  • spider sounds screeching/growling from spider FX
loudness (volume) e.g. the increase in volume when the spider stabs Frodo,
Pitch (frequency how high and low something is)e.g. the change in pitch from which goes higher when Sam comes in the scene
Timbre e.g. crackling texture of the spider moving
For example the spider feet scuttling, low volume yet audible, the pitch is quite a high pitch, timbre cracking texture. They alternate in the mix and combine to create this effect of the spider moving around.
We also need to take note on the importance of silence, how in this clip it juxtaposes the intensity of the attack by the spider.
Place/Setting/Space/ Time e.g the expectation of hearing something as they happen this is synchronise sound asynchronies sound is when we hear is not as we expect e.g. seeing something being hit before we hear it.

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