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At 8.45 this morning we met up at RMITV office to collect the gear we needed for our shoot on location today. This is a new show I am a part of its a comedy sketch series that we film fortnightly. This episode was called “Travel Buff” and we filmed in Carlton Gardens.

So my job was as the camera operator, with this I used one of the Sony cameras. This was a completely new camera that I hadn’t used before, however I was showed where everything is and how to use it. A large part was paying attention to the light and making sure the ISO and aperture were right, we had to change these throughout as the light in different spots changed. IN our first location in the park, the light source was exceptionally bright so we needed to use a reflector to block the sun this worked really well and gave the shot a lot more detail and became clearer.

The Director and First AD were telling me what shots they wanted and how they wanted it to be shot then I had to ensure I achieved the look they wanted, making sure it looked good. It took us about 3 hours to set up and shoot the short comedy sketch, and we did well to fit it all within our time frame.

I really loved working in this environment with a small crew who did lighting, sound, boom operator, director, 1st AD, production assistant and actors. The environment was really beautiful and I really enjoyed being a part of this production. I look forward to continuing the season and seeing how they all turn out. I think the more I do shoots like this the more things I learn and the more experience I gain.

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