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Another of my creative inspirations would have to be an independently run magazine called Paper Sea Quarterly. This magazine I have been purchasing for about 3 years now and each issue I just love. I think the uniqueness of this magazine is that it only comes out 4 times a year and this makes the whole thing a lot more rare and engaging.


The magazine itself covers surf, travel and art, showcasing stories and interviews and all illustrated through the most stunning photography. This magazine has no set photographer often each magazine has a new photographer or adventurer to capture the moments that are then shared with their audience. The target audience for this magazine is for artists, creative types, surfers, travellers, adventurers and photographers alike.


I can honestly say that this magazine has not only  inspired me to go out and explore the world but its given me a new perspective on creativity. This magazine has its own style, its own voice. Each issue has a certain layout, often this is very simplistic and really pulls focus on the page. When I compare this to something like OK magazine where each page is clustered with information, photographs, PSQ is minimalistic showing one or 2 photographs a page with perhaps a quote. Nor is the interview section overbearing with information, it fills a small portion of the page that immediately grasps my attention. The thing I truly love about this magazine is the attention to detail. Something quite ridiculous but I love the paper, it is not thin and tearable but it is hard and crisp and its a special touch just to give it a bit more.


So how does this inspire me in my life and through future media career. Well it has given me scope to follow my passion, this magazine is independently run and has started from nothing as whilst not the most popular magazine it has a following. This allows me to follow whatever I want to do no matter if the success is small or large. The style of the magazine very much fits my own, however over the next few years of this course i really want to hone in on my individualism and I want to push this forward into everything I do. Lastly I have been inspired to travel the world, explore, find adventures and above all be curious, to document everything I encounter and make it worthwhile.

One more thing, with whatever I end up doing in the future whether it be writing some sort of blog, or making films or documentaries, writing novels or creating art I want to be able to create something that make people feel. Whether its laughter, sadness or to inspire I want my work to have the purpose of having an effect on others. I bring this up because the first time I got PSQ and the reason I kept buying it was because of one photo I saw. It was a double page spread of a black and white image of a man standing under a waterfall in Iceland. Slightly blurred and ambiguous yes, but the vastness and expansiveness of the image was overwhelming. It honestly took my breath away, all I wanted to do was be right where that man stood. Reading on and finding out it was in Iceland just drew me in even more, the one place I’ve always wanted to go.



So I shall continue to buy PSQ and look forward to whatever new adventures they encounter that can be shared with me, perhaps one day they may be looking for internships and I’ll be the first to sign up.

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