1. What is the controlling idea of your portrait? My controlling idea is about the life of a music composer and how one is inspired and motivated to follow their goal.
  1. How is your portrait film structured? So my interview is structured as a sit down process, it is a reflection on my subject Simon who he is and what he does as a music composer. I also am exploring with some depth into his career and his journey so far. I will use both a combination of voice over, sit down interview and include visuals of how he composes music in his natural environment. This will be assisted by found footage of both him playing music and his musical inspirations.
  1. What do you want your audience to make of your interviewee? I want my audience to gain a true sense of who Simon is as a music composer, to get into the motivation and inspiration that drove him to fall into the career that he was most passionate about.
  1. How is your portrait being narrated? So my portrait is solely all narrated by my interviewee, he restates the questions in a way that it re tells a story.
  1. What role will your found footage play in your portrait? My found footage will be of the bands that inspired my uncle as a child to compose music. It will be used as a reinforcement of his statement and will also be used to show the audience why he was inspired by these bands. I have sourced a clip from deep purple live in black and white.
  1. Does your portrait have a turning point? As a basic interview about his inspiration and motivation to complete his goals, I guess the turning point of my interview is the moment he turned his passion into action and how he started up his business. This occurs roughly in the middle of my whole interview and the reason for this is to show the build up of how he got there and then where he wants to go from there.
  1. How does your portrait gather and maintain momentum? I think my portrait gathers momentum as we found out more and more about Simons life and it progresses as a journey about what he does, his life, inspiration and goals. It maintains this momentum as the questions get more and more in depth.
  1. Where will you portraits dramatic tension come from? My interview doesn’t really have dramatic tension because its quite a light hearted interview about his journey and inspiration. If you had to pinpoint some sort of tension or build up moment it would probably be his plans for the future. This is because the overall tone of my interview is very light hearted and its more informative and interesting to discover what he has done to get to where he wants to be. I will use music as well to create some sense of a build, it will both start and end with quite chill music and in the middle it will be more upbeat and dramatic as through this part I will play the found footage of deep purple.
  1. Does the portrait have a climax and or resolution? My portraits resolution ends with what he hopes and aims for the future. it also ends with him playing a guitar which is sort of a full circle, he starts of in his life playing guitar and its something I think hints that he will continue it for the rest of his life. Again restating his passion and love for music.


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