NetMed Week 3

How is Creative Commons different to Copyright?  In terms of how they each work, and how this effects us as online content creators.

Copyright is a way to legally protect; literary works, artistic works, dramatic works, musical works and films, sound, broadcasts etc. The copyright owner has specific rights in regards to the recreation or use of their work. Often communication with the copyright owner you may be able to use their works, money and attribution are often inclusive in this deal. There are some exceptions called fair dealing, where a person who is using educational reference, presentation, discussion or review of works and this can be legally acceptable. Creative commons is a space where people put up their works with conditions  that can be used. it will state what type of creative commons license each piece is, this could include the rights to use publicly for free, including acknowledgement of the artist, it basically outlines the ways this work can be used. We need to take care as bloggers to not accidentally use another persons image, videos or written statements and take credit for it, if we use an image for example this must be appropriately referenced or we must look at the creative commons license.


Do you think they work with the aesthetic theme of your blog?

I think for my blog which is a combination of my three classes; Media 1, Cinema Studies and Networking Media. It’s a crucial part to include photos that I take or that relate to my blog post, I think its also important to include videos that I make or link videos in that I have watched and reviewed. For a media blog, having all media components is what will add depth and will be more engaging.

Is the content appropriate for what you want your blog to be?

Mostly yes, the content I am writing about is about Media, films and my classes and thoughts on particular readings. Further down the track I want to develop more of an individual style where I can talk about cinema and film related things which is the direction I want this blog to eventually take.

Do they look/sound/appear the way you want them to?

Currently as I’m just learning how to use a blog and how to find my own voice it is not yet at the place I want it to be. I want to take better more high quality photos for my blog, I want to be able to have numerous forms of media weaved in throughout my blog posts. The photos when added to the blog also appear of less quality and slightly blurry which is not at all how I want them to look. Im also still unsure about how to add a video into my blog where it will appear straight away without a link.

If not, why? What can you do differently?

  • I shall take more photos and more footage to a higher quality
  • I shall trial embedding videos, photos and sounds throughout the post
  • I can look for inspiration at other blogs in both my classes and other successful blogs.
  • I am also going to take more time with my blog in perfecting a more creative look
  • If i have troubles with adding media I can ask people who know or look online.


Not only do I want to improve my creative style on my blog in the forms of adding media, I want to improve the way I write and communicate ideas. Often I feel my thoughts are scattered and not direct. My aim for the next few weeks is to take more time in editing my posts, to expand my vocabulary and develop my ideas.


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