The section that I am directing is Part 4.
This is a 4 page long script that Ive had a look over and jotted down the ideas of what shots I want to complete for each. The first 2 pages are quite simple, I think mid to close ups, over the shoulders would be good as they have most of their dialog.
As for the last two pages there are a few different types of shots and different parts that I want to test out to see what works and what doesn’t.
The first part: The blood splatter and trunk shot. This I attempted last week but as also discussed I plan to trial this out again with an extra actor and more dramatic blood splatter.
The second part: The mirror test, a test between two people I want to see how the conversation flows with the shots I have selected. I also want to see how the camera angle works with the mirror there.
The third part: The box and hallway scene, this is mostly a tracking shot following characters, I want to see the best way for this movement to look smooth and effective.
- as I do not have access to a camera this weekend my aim is to trial it with my phone but I wish to get the shots tested out to see how they look and I will review them after and see if I think anything should be changed for the actual shoot.