Deconstruction 40%

Deconstruction 40%   

American Beauty, the ending scene in particular I wanted to deconstruct. There are two parts in the ending scene I wanted to draw particular attention too. Having first watched this a few years ago I was really inspired by the cinematography its use of motifs and the overall emotion that I felt just through the shots paired together.

The first part from 33 seconds to 58 is two shots that I wanted to discuss. The first shot is a close up to mid shot and here the lighting is super beautiful. The light streaming from the window allows us to think its nighttime and the moonlight is the only source of light. Plus an additional kitchen light which is reflecting up onto the subjects face. This natural light falls front on so as audiences we see his warm and uplifted facial expression. The overall light appears soft and delicate. This shot transitions into a direct eye level from the side of the subjects face. Here we are at a third person perspective where we witness whats about to happen to him prior to him knowing. The camera movement is what I really love in this sequence, how we see the gun, the family frame and then it pans across to the wall. This also incorporates the red roses on the table which throughout the movie are a motif for lust, love and then in this scene death and how his love has ultimately caused his death. The movement is slow and patient almost, it creates a real element of uncertainty and ambiguity, we don’t see the killer nor do we see them out the gun which I think really transforms the shot into something more illusive. As audiences we are able to piece together so many different components of this character story, his struggle then his final redemption and recognition for whats important to him just before his death. This whole ending scene is very delicate and quite beautiful.

The next shot I want to discuss I think really follows this delicate and beautiful effect. The death here, is represented as something quite beautiful. We get this idea of how were meant to feel firstly but the sound, which after the loud bang is followed by a soft, delicate and quite slow rhythm of high tones that drift with no real change in tempo or volume. This emotes a feeling of calmness and acceptance in some aspects it feels almost happy.

The camera movement from 1.35 to 2.03, which is probably one of my favourite sequences is dead still. The camera is locked of at eye level of the subject whose just  been shot and this really places us on his level as we feel for him. The next shot is simultaneously from eye level but looking at the guy whose observing him. He comes down to his level and just stares in almost a calm and admiring sort of way. Its as if he notices a beauty within this death. The performance here i think works beautifully as in the sound combines with his facial expression to notice that this is quite calming and alluring to the eye. The production design and makeup really focused on creating a tonne of blood in the shot but combining the other elements really takes away the usual sadness you’d have with death. Instead everything is calm and accepting, the still shots, the small movements of the actor, his slight smile and the soft music really creates a beautiful scene. This scene at the same time really makes audiences feel quite reminiscent and emotional as they really feel for the events and the main characters journey.


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