Our project is very much like Exquisite Corpse, you all draw your own part by only seeing a certain part and despite not seeing what above it still all comes together to create a piece and flows together. Much like our project, we are all using the structure from the previous group to create a next segment which will come together in an over piece. The things that people came up with were really quite intriguing.
Small things generating complex structure,that the small parts matter is somehting we also spoke about. In reference to starlings murmuration which looks so incredible they are all singular parts which come together to create a complex and beautiful structure. No one is in charge, nothing takes the lead, they all coincide with each other to create this structure. Again reflecting back to our project where our small parts, minute soundscape in which 4 of us have put elements into again comes out into an even larger structure. We also referenced this to a snowflake
“Hexagonal “Mineral” Crystals. The molecules of water that form each tiny ice crystal naturally arrange themselves into a hexagonal (six-sided) structure.”
Small parts combine together to make something larger. Something that the more you look into the more that its a part of our entire lives. Our bodies for example, blood cell, protons, neutrons, atoms, how far can we go? Everything is made of something. Now that really freaks me out. But the whole point of this post is to note that