analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, review, write-up

In today’s class we looked at peoples videos from our last task and critiqued their work. This was the sheet that we used to break down our thoughts about others videos.

This I actually found quite useful to observe others work and physically write down what I thought worked and what didn’t. For the few that I saw I overall noticed that flow was something that needed to be worked on. How to use the shots and location to engage an audience. Adrian suggested that by sticking to one location or object would work well and I agree with this. I also think that by really fleshing out one idea in one place can create a good sequence. A few things that I took from others work was largely from the writing, for me this isn’t a strong suit so I enjoyed listening to others pieces. Some where humorous and distinctive really engaging me to what was being said. The pathways that people went on when only starting of with one object was really interesting to watch. I liked how some people used really fast cuts that were used as a literal description of what was being said I think this was effective. Likewise with the soundscapes added music or sound effects was really effective.

Relating back to my piece I think I did well in terms of keeping the visual simple and fleshing out one idea in one place. I didn’t take mine as literally as others I used more of a metaphor. I think my piece worked really well in that aspect if I were to do it again I would use some more abstract shots perhaps fleshing out the subject and location even more. I think the physical voice over and sound i used was good but adding in sound effects would’ve added more depth. I think the main component for me in which I would want to improve would not only be to keep pushing my filming and editing techniques but to heavily focus on the content I am writing. This way it has the ability to support the visual in a stronger way. I needed to perhaps go on a further route in my description of my object and perhaps find my style and voice that makes it quirky and engaging.

Overall I was really pleased with my piece and I think it came out well, but I enjoyed critiquing others work so I can apply their pros and cons to my next video or sound production.


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